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In spite of having a strong urge to dance and enjoying it as well, many of us may feel shy and restrict it to our rooms. Many do not get any chance or platforms. So here, In Inmantec we give young talent of the city an ample opportunity to explore from Bolloywood to Bhangra, Kathak to Contemporary, Bharatnattyam to Salsa.
Come! Be a Part!!

ELIGIBILITY – The contest is open to any student from class 10th onwards till post graduation. Contestant should have a valid student identity card to be eligible for participation.

DATE OF CONTEST – The date of Preliminary Round (Phase –I) is on April 7th 2017. Registration for the first phase of the contest is open till April 7th 2017, 10:30AM (IST). Registration post this date won’t be valid. Final round will be on 8th for those who will be selected on previous day.

PRE-REQUISITES – Participants must carry their songs in PD or CD (2 copies) on which they want to perform and should submit on the registration desk.
The props need to be approved by Event Coordinator prior to performance.

TIMINGS– Minimum 3 minutes and Maximum 5 Minutes are allowed for performance. Points could be deducted for exceeding the limit.

PRIZE – The top 2 entries will be recognized by INMANTEC through cash awards.

EVALUATION CRITERIA – The decision of the judges will be final and binding and cannot be challenged. Four basic criteria will be used viz. (1) Rhythm (2) Expressions (3) Posture (4) Creativity in choreography.

Faculty Incharge
Prof. Swati Tyagi


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